DotCleaner - .ds_Store remover

macOS core technologies – ObjectiveC

Simple utility app that removes .DS_Store files those contains Finder-specific preferences and many times ._* files have created when you copy and paste to pen drives or external hard drives.

Aripra-DotCleaner - .ds_Store remover


Simple utility app that removes .DS_Store files those contains Finder-specific preferences

The .DS_Store files store Finder-specific preferences concerning the display of each of your folders. Removing these files is an easy way to reset your display preferences. Also, if you are moving files between your Mac and another operating system such as Windows or Linux these files can cause unexpected problems and should be removed prior to transfer.

Warning: All hidden files will be removed from the selected folder and app will not be responsible if any important file or folder get deleted.

  • Easy to use

    It is easy to use for clean your junk files from your selected directory. Only two easy steps

  • Just select & Clean

    Just select your directoy which you want to clean and click on "Start Cleanup" button

  • Povide Maximum Space

    DotCleaner will give you more space after cleaning junk files. Its important to save other data


How it Works

Simple utility app that removes .DS_Store files those contains Finder-specific preferences

Choose Folder

You can select directory which you want to clean. just clicking this button.

Start Cleanup

After selecting your directory just clean this on clicking "Start Cleanup" button.


It indicate your selected directory which you want to clean.


Wait for a seconds... Your selected directory is cleaning.


It shows your selected directory which is cleaned by DotCleaner.

1 dot file/folder were removed

Shows the total number of deleted files/folder in your selected directory